Greyhound Coupons
Greyhound Information
Travel can be a hassle at times, especially when one is forced to provide his or her own transportation. An alternative to driving to one’s destination, has, for years, been taking a bus. There are many different bus companies out there, so a customer has many options to choose from. The choice comes down to a few factors. The key factors considered are price and comfort.
For these reasons many choose to travel by bus. There are several competing bus lines, but Greyhound Bus lines pride themselves on a combination of affordable prices, reaching many different destinations, and an increased level of comfort for the passengers. The tickets to ride a Greyhound bus will usually run lower than those offered by airlines providing flights to their destinations. With the varying prices of gas, the trip length to the desired destination can also be price competitive as it may cost less than gas required for the car trip.
The company got its start in Minnesota in 1914 as a method of transporting iron ore miners, and later adapted the Greyhound in the mid 1920s as it expanded its business and adapted the logo of the leaping greyhound. It has since grown to reach over 3,700 locations and the company has spun off several smaller bus company enterprises and partnered with smaller independent bus companies to provide an even more expansive service reach. The company prides itself on providing buses with sufficient leg room, the ability to travel to many destinations, including some in Canada and Mexico, providing new environmentally friendly buses that have electrical outlets available to each passenger, and providing the ability to take an average of 40 cars off the road, which also serves a great environmental benefit.
Discounts, Coupons, and Promotional Savings for Greyhound
The experience of travelling on Greyhound buses is usually viewed as favorable by passengers. The competitive prices are assisted by the availability of special deals offered by Greyhound. On their official website,, Greyhound offers several opportunities to save and have access to discounts for tickets purchased for Greyhound Bus lines’ services. Ordering online automatically saves the purchaser 15% on the ticket price. Purchasing a ticket more than two weeks in advance also provides a discount, as well as purchasing a family plan type ticket pack. The discounts are also extended to seniors, children, military personnel, veterans and students.
The company will also hold special deals which set a certain fixed fair for particular popular destinations where the ticket purchaser headed to a specific location can get the tickets at a discounted price. Greyhound Bus tickets with discounts are also available at Greyhound bus stops. The stop itself may have a certain promotion depending on the time of year or day, holiday weekends or special rates for frequent travelers.
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